5 ways of Finding God Amidst Crisis

The situation we are facing currently occasioned by the COVID 19 pandemic is one that most of us have never experienced. 

Nations globally have been thrown out of balance in what they knew as “normal”. We are cut off from one another, are worried about our health, finances, and the future we had planned. One may wonder “Where is God in all this?” It may feel to some that God is simply absent. 

Well, the truth is that generations in the past endured even greater trials than this. It would be tragic for us to lose the sense of God’s presence and work in the current global health crisis. It would help us to remember that God is still at work even now. 

The fact that He has seen us through challenges in the past, we can trust Him for a solution. 

Here are some helpful thoughts

1.Embrace a learning attitude

It is dangerous to reach a place where you feel you know it all or have mastered it; you will surely die, more so spiritually. For instance, your schedule may have been too busy to even read the Bible. You may have thought that because you are an expert in a field, you do not need the wisdom that comes from the Bible. Now you have the time, grab your Bible, read it, and learn afresh what God is revealing to you in this season.

2. Pray

Our world has grown quieter, and, full of inactivity. That quietness can be unsettling for those of us who are accustomed to constant noise. Although we may initially perceive it negatively, this is an invitation to spend more time in prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 reminds us to rejoice always and pray without ceasing. What if we choose to pray more and worry less? We will be more hopeful of the future instead of sinking in fear.

3.Engage more with people

We are blessed to live in an age of connectivity due to technology. We can speak with people thousands of miles away. We can make use of the different platforms we have to find the face of God in people or be the source of encouragement to those who are suffering. God created us for the community, He desires that we enrich each other both physically and spiritually. In refreshing others, we too will be refreshed.

4.Take time to rest

We live in a fast-paced world. Most of us have never taken time to rest in a long time, apart from public holidays or annual leave. Suddenly we have too much time in our hands and most people are sinking into boredom and depression. Do you remember during creation that God rested on the seventh day? If the Creator and Sustainer of the universe can afford to take a day off to appreciate His work, how about us? We can utilize this time positively to bond with our families or even learn a new skill. 

5. Help the needy

For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you will, you can do good to them; but you will not always have me. Mark 14:7(RSV). Have you thought of giving towards a needy person or family where you live or in your community? When we represent Christ’s love here on earth. You may not have too much to give but you cannot lack something to give. Let us take this opportunity to be a blessing to the vulnerable around us.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 (ESV)


Father in the name of Jesus Christ we thank you for preserving us thus far. You are always good and faithful that is why we trust in you with our lives. Help us not to be isolated from you in these times of crisis but to seek after you because when we seek you, we will always find you. Give us the strength to face each day in hope. Amen

This post was published on Monday 29 June 2020