Seven I AM Statements of Jesus

1.I AM the bread of life John 6:35

Jesus is the bread of life. He is the one who gives life to all that exists. He sustains the Universe. He provided manna for the Israelites when they did not know where to get food. Even today He promises to meet us at our points of need because He owns everything. Put your trust in Him and you will experience His miraculous provision.

2. I AM the Light of the world – John 8:12

Without light, we stumble in darkness. The light of Christ illuminates our paths and gives us direction in life. Jesus wants us to share His light with those around us even in the uncertain times we are currently facing.

3I AM the door – John 10:7, 9

Doors are important in buildings because they secure treasured possessions. Through Jesus, we have access to God our Father who has endless promises for his children. Our part is to tap into the promises God has given us and to share the blessings thereof with others.

4. I AM the resurrection and life – John 11:25

Jesus’ resurrection brought life and hope to people. Jesus can bring resurrection to areas in our lives that are dead. He came that we may have life in abundance. Are there areas in your life that seem dead? Pray to Jesus today and He will resurrect you. If he resurrected Lazarus who had died and was buried, He will change your situation.

5. I AM the good shepherd – John 10:11

Jesus provides for his flock. He will always provide, protect, guide, and lead his children in the way they should go. Psalm 23 also reminds us that the Lord is our shepherd, we shall not want. Be assured today that when you trust and depend on God, He will be your shepherd always.

6. I AM the way, the truth, and the life – John 14:6

Jesus is the source of knowledge and truth. He is the giver of all good things; peace, joy, favor, love, mercy, wisdom, and many more. When you deepen your knowledge of Jesus through His Word you will grow and never lack anything.

7. I AM the vine John 15:1

Jesus gives us life and He wants us to be fruitful. We can only bear fruit when we abide in Christ for apart from Him, we can do nothing. May we produce fruit in our day to day lives by sharing the good news with those that have never heard it, helping the needy, winning souls, growing in fellowship, and living a life of repentance. 

No matter the changes in the world, God will not change. Let us put our draw near to Him and He will draw near to us. Always keep hope alive and put your trust in God because He is faithful.

Rev. Rosemary Kalani

This post was published on Wednesday 15 July 2020