About the Gikuyu Bible

The Kikuyu community can be found throughout Kenya, however, the heaviest concentration is in Central Kenya, known as the traditional Kikuyu homeland. The Kikuyu traditionally believe that a man, Gikuyu, was the founder of the tribe and had a wife named Mumbi.  

The Kikuyu responded strongly to missionaries and western education. Their proximity to the British colonial government in Nairobi gave them access to education and opportunities for involvement in the economy and political leadership in their Country. 

Kikuyu is a Bantu language, so they are related culturally to other Bantu-speaking peoples of East Africa. Kikuyus are traditionally industrious agriculturalists though many of them are involved in different kinds of businesses.

The first Gikuyu Gospel of John was published in 1903, by the British and Foreign Bible Societies (BFBS) followed by the book of Mark in 1909 published by the National Bible Society of Scotland. The first New Testament was published in 1968. In 1951 the Old Testament Gikuyu Bible was published, and the complete Bible was published in 1969. The common language translation in Gikuyu was launched in 2008. 


  • Maps
  • Subject index and margin references
  • Vinyl and leather covers
  • Edges; red, silver and gold edge
  • Available in normal size, wedding edition and pulpit version for use in Churches
  • Available in two editions; Deuterocanonical and Protestant edition
  • Has two editions; common language edition and old version
  • This Bible is also available as a diglot edition which contains English and Gikuyu languages.

This bible is available on www.shop.biblesociety-kenya.org

This post was published on Monday 17 February 2020