Daniel The Unquestionable Man

When faced with the choice to compromise his moral and ethical standards instilled in him by godly parents in Jerusalem, Daniel as a captive in pagan Babylon made the most critical choice of his life. He chose not to defile himself with the foods set aside for kings.  He decided to honor God and counted the cost. Later in life, he was said to be a man with honesty and so chosen to be the head administrator in Babylonian kingdom.


  • How do I exhibit Integrity in my daily life?
  • What blocks Integrity from working and being exhibited in me?
  • How can I make Integrity function better, stronger, and faster in my life and spheres of influence?

Daniel soon showed that he could do better work than the other supervisors or the governors. Because he was so outstanding, the king considered putting him in charge of the whole empire. Then the other supervisors and the governors tried to find something wrong with the way.

(Daniel – 1:7-9 and 6:7-9)

This post was published on Tuesday 15 October 2019