God Cares

Do you know that God cares for you? When you are lonely or afraid, you can tell God and He will comfort you. When you are not sure of what to do, go to your heavenly father and He will help you do what is right.

Sometimes God sends help through special people like your loved ones or friends, or He may give you a great idea so that you can solve your problem.

Remember the story of the widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17? She helped Elijah by baking him some bread from the last bit of flour and oil she had left. Because she helped Elijah, God ensured that the flour and oil she had would not run out. When her son became ill and died, Elijah prayed, and God brought him back to life. This lady may not have known how she would survive with her son, God sent her help.

Do you fill stuck? God is willing to help you – that is how much He loves and cares for you. Ask God to help you remember to always talk to him when you are worried.

My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:2(ESV)

Father thank you for always sending us help even in the most difficult situations. Help us to know that we can look to you for help despite our circumstances. We choose to depend on you because you are faithful. Amen

This post was published on Thursday 1 December 2022